This year, we are proud to report the continued success of these programs. Notably, we've made remarkable progress in mental health support and inclusive education, extending our reach to an ever-growing number of beneficiaries. Significant strides have been made in our Community-Based Sustainable Livelihood program, which has empowered local farmers and improved food security. Our Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation initiatives have enhanced community resilience against environmental challenges. Our Eye Health and Gender Equality programs have achieved new milestones, providing essential services and fostering inclusive growth within our communities.
Caritas Cambodia is The Social Development Arm of the Catholic Church in Cambodia. It is built on the values of Love, Concern, Peace, Unity, Sharing and Brotherhood. Caritas helps the poorest of the poor, in particular, focusing on the most disadvantaged, displaced, and vulnerable people and communities. We strive to promote human dignity, alleviate human suffering, and foster charity, justice and peace. Our services expand across 15 provinces and support Village Development Associations in over 300 villages.
Your contribution plays a vital role in our mission to provide thousands of Cambodian people such as poor farmers, women, children, the elders, people with disabilities, prisoners, people living with HIV/AIDs, the homeless and victimized people at all levels of the society with the support in need to build their better lives.
This annual report provides an illustration of the very positive results and achievements of all of the programme activities which were implemented by Caritas Cambodia during 2019. It has been yet another period of success garnered from our tireless efforts and strong determination to empower Cambodian people. We have concentrated our efforts on those who are the oppressed, the poorest of the poor, the marginalised and the vulnerable groups in the country’s impoverished communities.
We are deeply grateful to partners from the Caritas family and all donors who accompany us on the journey to serve the poor population in Cambodia. We thank all key stakeholders, in particular the Royal Government of Cambodia, for their close collaboration and partnership. Without all this support, we will not be able to have another successful year. We are proud to be working with all of you!
2017 marks another great year, a milestone in the implementation of our new strategic framework(2017-2021). We are proud to have all staff members and our grass-root communities who support us in carrying our programs; and particularly their contribution to our new strategic framework.
Throughout 2016 , we have touched the lives of the poor population through our programs and projects to empower people , improve their health condition including general health care, eye, mental health of the poor communities , children and adolescent, support health and basic needs of the prisoners, equipped farmers with necessary skills to improve their livelihood activities, shaping the future of poor youth group and vulnerable and victimized women to access to technical vocational skills, building knowledge on disaster preparedness and climate changes as well as provide emergency relief to disaster affected families and communities.
Looking back to what we have done in 2015, we can proudly say that we have achieved many results. Our work has an impact, and our reach is increasing. In 2015, we touched the lives of many poor communities including poor farmers, women, children, disabled, indigenous group, and disadvantaged people. Our work remains the center of empowering people, especially the poor communities so that they can participate in social, culture, economical activities and look for ways to get free from poverty. In this report, you will see how we are achieving progress through our many programs such as sustainable agricultural practices, community health, inclusive development, prison health care, eye care, disaster management, climate change and trafficking and migration program.
In fiscal year 2014, we supported 130,765 people in our community development program. As one of the major humanitarian agencies, Caritas provided food assistance to over 273,07 Cambodian migrant workers returning from Thailand in 2014. Most notably, this year, we have received a new funding from Caritas Switzerland for a three-year project on “Friendly Vocational Skill Development for Women and Young Mother with Children”, which is based in Battambong province. The project helps the disadvantaged and victim women from trafficking, violence and mother with children with specific skills and provides them with accommodation so that they will be able to make a new and hopeful life after completion of the courses.
Our programs have benefited many people in Cambodia who are the needy, the poorest of the poor, the vulnerable and the marginalized. Our tireless efforts have significantly improved the quality of life as the population of the impoverished communities become healthier, more involved, more informed, more courageous, more independent and are equipped with appropriate skills and knowledge to lead their lives meaningfully. With our continuous learning process and perpetual improvement of our institutional capacity, we firmly believe that we will be able to continue to effectively and efficiently empower the impoverished community and uphold human dignity so as to liberate them from the grip of poverty through an inclusive and sustainable development process.
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